Nominate a Team Member for the TULIP Award Tell us how a team member other than a nurse made a difference. Name of the employee you want to recognize: Location: --None--Oconomowoc West Allis BrownDeer Kenosha Madison Tampa Skokie Appleton Nashville Minneapolis Philadelphia San Francisco East Bay Hinsdale Miami St. Paul San Diego Sheboygan Los Angeles Atlanta Seattle Denver Employee’s role and program: In detail, please share how this employee made a difference in your care or care of someone you care about: Thank you for taking the time to recognize this special team member. Please share: Your name: I am a (select one): --None--Patient or former patient Family member or other visitor Co-worker Rogers leader Community member Include your role as co-worker: Family and community members: please include your relationship to patient if applicable Email address: we may contact you if your nominee is selected or to discuss use of your submission. Electronic Signature: