Nominate a Nurse for the DAISY Award Tell us how a Rogers nurse went above and beyond. Nurse's name: Treatment Program (write-in): Location: --None--Oconomowoc West Allis BrownDeer Kenosha Madison Tampa Skokie Appleton Nashville Minneapolis Philadelphia San Francisco East Bay Hinsdale Miami St. Paul San Diego Sheboygan Los Angeles Atlanta Seattle Denver Level of Care: --None--Inpatient Residential Partial Intensive Outpatient Please provide a detailed account of how this nurse went above and beyond. (3,000 character limit) Required Thank you for nominating a Rogers nurse for this award. Please tell us about yourself below. Your name: Your email: Your phone number: I am a (select one): --None--Patient or former patient Family member or other visitor Co-worker Rogers leader Community member Include your role as co-worker: Community Member relationship to patient: Are You 18 or Over?: --None--Yes No You may contact me: --None--Yes No Choose your preferences: You have my permission to use part or all of my comments on the website and/or in social media. You may use my first name on the website and/or in social media. You may use my full name. You may use my comments but please don’t use my name. I prefer that you do not use my comments publicly, but please share my comments with internal teams at Rogers. Note that you can request at any point that content be removed from our website or social media channels by notifying Rogers via email at or mailing Marketing at Rogers Behavioral Health, 34700 Valley Road, Oconomowoc, WI 53066. Electronic Signature: Required