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Rogers Behavioral Health to bring specialized services to San Francisco area  


Posted on 10/09/17 05:26:pm

Rogers Behavioral Health, a recognized leader with proven treatment outcomes in Wisconsin, Florida, Illinois, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, and Tennessee, today announces its first specialized outpatient services location to open in California in February, 2018.

Rogers Behavioral Health–San Francisco East Bay will be located at 420 N. Wiget Lane in Walnut Creek, and will offer day treatment options for children, teens and adults challenged by obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety, depression and other mood disorders, and a program for treatment of anxiety and mood disorders for children and teens on the autism spectrum.

For adults who have not seen improvement in depression symptoms with the combination of therapy and medication, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) will be offered. TMS uses targeted magnetic pulses to stimulate the area of the brain that is underactive in patients suffering from major depressive disorder. The FDA-approved treatment will be available for adults 18 and older including patients not enrolled in another Rogers program. A typical treatment plan involves 18-minute sessions, five days a week, for four to six weeks. Outcomes studies show this treatment option is effective and is typically covered by insurance plans.

Additional programs are being considered for addiction, posttraumatic stress disorder, and eating disorders based on community need.

“The need is great for the type of specialized behavioral health services we offer,” says Pat Hammer, CEO and president of Rogers Behavioral Health. “As we continue to grow our regional operations, we know that being able to offer local access to this type of care, as a complement to existing local services, really makes a difference for the people we serve.”

OCD and depression treatment leader

Rogers offers some of the most comprehensive programs for OCD and depression in the country, the two most common mental health issues. Leaders in psychiatry and psychology across the Rogers system treat more patients daily for OCD than any other behavioral health provider, and FOCUS programs offer clinically effective treatment of depression, bipolar disorder and other mood disorders.

“We already serve patients from the San Francisco Bay Area at our nationally recognized residential treatment centers in Wisconsin,” Hammer adds. “We’re pleased this new location gives those patients a convenient option to get specialized day treatment before or after residential services when that level of care is needed.”

Center leadership announced

As chief operating officer for the West Coast region, Jay Kellison will work in tandem with a clinical director in psychology, psychiatrists and a team of behavioral health specialists in launching the new site.

Guiding our highly trained, interdisciplinary behavioral health team as clinical director is Jennifer Park, PhD. Dr. Park is a clinical instructor in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at Stanford University School of Medicine and an attending psychologist at Lucille Packard Children’s Hospital. She received her doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology at University of South Florida and completed her internship and postdoctoral fellowship at Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School. She is also on the editorial board of the Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy and has a strong track record of clinical innovation and research involvement.

Dr. Park says Rogers’ programming will fill a large gap in the Bay Area. “There is a critical need for this specialized higher level of care. In the past I have had to send many of my patients to Los Angeles or out of state to access these types of services. Rogers has a long history of effective treatment, and bringing this evidenced-based high quality care to the area will be an enormous benefit to the community,” shares Dr. Park.

Rogers plans to offer partial hospitalization and intensive outpatient programming. In this type of care, individuals attend treatment sessions for several hours a day, four to five days a week, while maintaining connections with family, work or school. All programs feature a comprehensive approach to care including in-depth behavioral therapies and medication management.

Potential patients, families, or referring providers can call 844-650-4411 or make a referral online at to request a free screening.

Rogers–San Francisco East Bay is part of a growing network of regional centers opened since September 2014 including Tampa, Nashville, Chicago, Minneapolis and Philadelphia. Rogers also has three behavioral health hospitals, nine residential programs, and six outpatient centers in Wisconsin. For more information, go to