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A typical day in Rogers residential care for Eating Disorder Recovery

Each day of our residential care for those struggling with eating disorders is structured in a way to assist patients in meeting treatment goals and improving quality of life. The dosage of therapy in residential care is much higher than what you’ll see in traditional outpatient or even Rogers’ more intensive outpatient care. However, breaks and leisure time offer balance and prevent patients from becoming overwhelmed.

Schedule for Eating Disorder Recovery adolescent care

In the featured video above, Todd Eisenberg, MD, psychiatrist, and Mia Nuñez, PhD, clinical supervisor, provide an overview of typical day in residential care for adolescents at Rogers, as well as the rationale for the schedule. The day looks similar for adolescents and adults, but adolescents also participate in school sessions throughout the week.

What do patients do each day in Eating Disorder care?

Every week, patients participate in experiential therapy, family therapy, recreational therapy, pet therapy, nutritional group therapy, optional spiritual care, and various other therapeutic activities. Patients also meet with a psychiatrist multiple times a week and their therapist for individual sessions. Weekly outings are used to help patients get used to eating in public and meet other therapeutic goals.

In addition, our residential care specialists are available 24 hours a day for one-on-one support to help set goals or problem solve. They also assist patients in identifying their feelings and help with other facets of treatment plans.

A typical day in Rogers Eating Disorder residential careA typical day in Rogers residential care for Eating Disorder Recovery

Morning Afternoon Evening
Check in with nurse for vital signs, labs, and medication if applicable Lunch Group walk
Breakfast CBT with ERP Dinner
Horticultural experiential therapy Snack Check in and goal planning
Cognitive behavioral therapy Experiential therapy Games
Snack  Art therapy Pet therapy
School   Snack
Public outing planning   Leisure/quiet time

Rogers offers eating disorder treatment for ages 8 and up in locations throughout Wisconsin and nationwide. To find the location nearest you, call 800-767-4411 or request a free online screening.

If you think you may have an eating disorder, please take our eating disorder quiz or review our fact page. Of course, this is not a diagnosis, but can bring some peace of mind if you are experiencing anxiety over possibly having an eating disorder.