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Tour Rogers’ OCD and Anxiety Center providing residential care for adolescents

Statistics show anxiety among teens is on the rise. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, nearly one in three adolescents will experience an anxiety disorder.

Rogers’ nationally-renowned OCD and Anxiety Center provides residential care for adolescents ages 12 to 17. For decades, Rogers has been the leader in collecting, assessing, and using patient outcomes data to help people rise above their mental health challenges.

A multidisciplinary team of experts uses evidence-based therapy starting on day one of treatment.

“Our core treatment models are cognitive behavioral therapy, or CBT, and exposure and response prevention, or ERP,” says Amanda Heins, PsyD, supervising psychologist, OCD and Anxiety Center.

Click on the video above to hear more from the treatment team about what parents and teens can expect.

How Rogers can help

If you know a child who is struggling with OCD, anxiety, and other underlying mental health challenges such as eating disorders or depression, Rogers is here to help. Schedule a free screening at any Rogers location   by calling 800-767-4411.