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Tour Rogers Behavioral Health’s outpatient center in St. Paul

Rogers Behavioral Health’s St. Paul area outpatient clinic provides care for children, adolescents, and adults who are seeking treatment for a number of mental health concerns including OCD, anxiety, depression, other mood disorders, and addiction.

St. Paul’s partial hospitalization and intensive outpatient care are great options for anyone who is stepping down from an inpatient or residential care program or stepping up from a more traditional outpatient therapy.

“You have family therapy sessions, individual therapy work, group work,” Jordan Solei, behavior specialist, says. “Getting to be in contact with a psychiatrist on a regular basis. There are just all of these things that I think on their own are fantastic and then combined in one spot are really, really excellent.

See the video above to hear from multiple members of the St. Paul care team. For more information on the St. Paul clinic, check out their location page.