This year’s National Eating Disorders Awareness Week runs from February 26 to March 4 with the theme “Let’s Get Real.” The goal is to increase conversations about eating disorders and highlight the stories you might not hear very often.
What is National Eating Disorders Awareness Week?
More than 30 million Americas are struggling with a full-blown eating disorder—disorders that also have the highest mortality rate of all mental illnesses. Still, many who suffer don’t seek help, despite effective treatments being available. NEDAwareness Week is an event put on by the National Eating Disorders Association to encourage everyone to help correct stigma and stereotypes, and share what an eating disorder really is—a disease that can be treated.
What can I do to help during NEDAwareness Week?
There are many different activities planned, and even if you can’t attend an event in person, every contribution to the cause helps. You can always spread the conversation or share your story on social media using #NEDAwareness.
What is Rogers doing for NEDAwareness Week?
We’ve got a variety of different events and awareness activities planned at locations across the US:
All of Me Film Screening
Where: Various cities throughout the U.S.
When: Visit for specific showtimes
Rogers is sponsoring film screenings for the documentary “All of Me”, which follows the lives of men and women on their journey toward recovery from eating disorders. After the screenings, we will also be hosting a panel discussion featuring medical experts and community advocates who will discuss society’s issues with food, weight, and body image, and the effective, evidence-based treatment options that are available for eating disorders.
Free Body Positive Yoga
Where: Nashville, TN
When: Tuesday, February 24 at 2 pm
As part of our NEDAwareness Week activities, we’re inviting people to join in on a free body positive yoga class at Inner Light Yoga Studio in Nashville, TN. People of all sizes and ages 13+ are welcome to join and learn from a local eating disorder therapist and yoga instructor. Body Positive Yoga is fighting against the false image that someone who does yoga is supposed to look a certain way—and proves that people of every body type can achieve every type of yoga pose. Happiness doesn’t come from being a certain size—it comes from within.
Reserve your spot by emailing
How do I know if I have an eating disorder?
An eating disorder can consume your thoughts, diminish your self-confidence, and ultimately damage your health. Rogers Behavioral Health provides highly specialized eating disorder treatment, with programs for men, women, children and teens. Worried you may have an eating disorder? We’ve helped thousands of individuals – both male and female. We’re here to help you.
Take a short quiz to check your symptoms: