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Sharing Stories of Hope

By sharing personal experiences and stories of mental illness and addiction this Mental Health Month, it helps to reduce the stigma for those who battle mental health challenges every day. Choosing if, when, how and to whom to share your mental health story to is up to you. But by openly discussing mental health, it helps take away the shame, guilt and fear that many people experience. It can also be an opportunity for family members to network with others, find hope and realize that they are not alone.

Rogers InHealth(link is external) creates, implements and promotes accessible education and advocacy resources using story, technology and peer/key relationships. Mental Health Month is a great time to hear what others have to say about their mental health journey and treatment experience!

  Deciding when or who to share your story with can be difficult, here’s    what a few individuals have said about disclosure.

 Denise found new life passions while receiving residential treatment at our Eating Disorder Center in Oconomowoc, WI.

  Mental illness doesn’t just affect the person receiving treatment, here’s  the Tino family’s story about finding healing for their son and for  themselves.

 Brenda Wesley from NAMI and Sue McKenzie from Rogers InHealth talk  about how youth can be open about their mental health challenges.