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Spread awareness for Mental Health Month with 4 important facts

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This year marks the 70th year that Mental Health America is celebrating Mental Health Month. Each May the organization leads the observance of Mental Health Month, welcoming others to join in spreading awareness and fighting to eliminate stigma related to mental illness and addiction.

Whether you’re struggling with mental health yourself, have a loved one who is suffering, or are unsure if someone you know is experiencing mental health challenges, it’s important to know the realities surrounding mental health.

Four mental health facts facing Americans today:

  1. 1 suicide happens every 40 seconds.
  2. 1 in 6 adults lives with a mental illness.
  3. 1 million kids have a psychiatric disorder.
  4. Nearly half of people with mental illness have more than one diagnosis.

Mental health resources

Taking the first step of asking for help can sometimes be the toughest step. If you’re contemplating how or where to seek support, we’ve compiled a list of helpful mental health resources.

How Rogers can help

Rogers offers specialized, evidence-based treatment for adults, children, and adolescents with depression and other mood disorders, eating disorders, addiction, obsessive-compulsive and anxiety disorders, and trauma (posttraumatic stress disorder). To request a free, confidential screening, call 800-767-4411 or fill out this form online.