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Overcoming a “fear-soaked” world: Parent of former OCD and Anxiety Center patient shares her family’s journey

Jess says since her son Jake was little, the family’s life revolved around his intense anxiety.

“From the time he could talk, he could narrate how loud the fear was in his brain,” says Jess.

They felt helpless and alone.

Knowing Jake wasn’t ready for high school, his parents asked him what he would do if he took a year off. Jake wanted to deal with his anxiety.

OCD and Anxiety Treatment at Rogers

After several people recommended Rogers, Jess says they decided to pursue treatment at Rogers’ OCD and Anxiety Center. Her despair turned to hope with the very first phone call.

“Even in the intake, I felt like I could breathe,” she says. “The way they were describing back to me what I was explaining and putting it in clinical terms was the first light bulb I had that Rogers was going to understand his brain in a way that no one else did.”

That was a huge relief because as Jake’s mom, Jess felt like she should have been able to help him.

“I was hearing things for the first time that helped me understand that Jake wasn’t broken, and we weren’t doing it wrong,” she says. “We did not have the right diagnosis.”

Click the video above to hear Jess’ emotional story of finding hope at Rogers and see Jake’s reunion with several members of his treatment team.

Jake shares his experience with OCD and treatment at Rogers here.

Rogers’ OCD and anxiety treatment

Rogers offers residential care in Wisconsin for children, teens, and adults, in addition to PHP and IOP, which is also available throughout the country. Call 800-767-4411 for a free, confidential screening.