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How Rogers uses evidence-based treatment in addiction recovery

What’s your story? It’s an important question and one we work with you to discover. When we create an addiction recovery care plan for patients struggling with addiction or substance use disorders, our multidisciplinary teams take the time to get to know each patient, mapping out the best course for their treatment. 

We use therapeutic methods that research has proven to be the most effective, like cognitive behavioral therapy and dialectical behavior therapy.

Additionally, we utilize community-based support groups.

“The key is you don’t want someone to be in treatment forever,” says  Michelle Maloney, PhD, LPC, CAADC, CRPS, system executive clinical director of Addiction Services. “So, who are those individuals in the community who can help support them? That’s really where community-based support groups come into play.”

Click the video above to learn more from Dr. Maloney.

Find out more information about addition here. If you or a loved one are struggling call 800-767-4411 for a free, confidential screening.