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Fernando’s story: Rising above OCD to now help others

Fernando says although he’s always had OCD tendencies, it took him years to seek treatment.

“I didn’t know they were symptoms of OCD,” says Fernando. “At some point in my life, they became very debilitating.”

When Fernando’s daughter was born, he started to have recurring thoughts, fearing he could harm her. That led to him wanting to avoid her, which Fernando says caused a lot of pain and depression. He searched online for help.

“I was officially diagnosed with OCD,” he says. “My therapist told me Rogers has experts in treating it. I said, ‘There’s no way I’m going to a place like that. There’s a lot of stigma about mental health.’”

After a few weeks, Fernando decided to accept the referral, and started treatment at Rogers in Madison.

Fernando says he knew right away he was finally going to get the help he needed. Compassion combined with evidence-based treatment helped him find the road to recovery.

“Rogers saved my life,” he says. “I learned I don’t need to let OCD dictate my life anymore.”

Fernando is now an OCD peer specialist for people from all over Latin America and Spain, teaching others what he’s learned and working to reduce stigma.

Click the video above to hear more of how Rogers helped Fernando rise above.

How Rogers can help

Rogers offers multiple levels of treatment for children, adolescents, and adults across the country with proven outcomes. Call 800-767-4411 for a free, confidential screening