Thank you, Ciara, for sharing your road to recovery at Rogers. Ciara received treatment for depression in Rogers’ Depression Recovery Adult residential care in Oconomowoc, and our partial hospitalization (PHP) and intensive outpatient (IOP) levels of care in Appleton.
“I have participated in Rogers’ PHP program in Appleton three times, and one time at residential in Oconomowoc. Each time spent there had an impact on me, however, the third and final time in Appleton was most significant.
I was once again enrolled in the program due to suicidal ideation, self-harm, and major depression. When I went back that third time, I wanted no part in it. I was stubborn and very willful toward receiving treatment.
Thankfully, my individual therapist there did not give up on me, no matter how many times I told her to. I thought I was a lost cause because I didn’t want to live a life filled with suicidal thoughts. My therapist did tell me that even though the thoughts may never go away completely, they would become less severe and more manageable. I was very much stuck in the black and white thinking patterns, and told my therapist, ‘If I can’t live a life with zero suicidal thoughts it isn’t worth it to me.’
I can’t pinpoint the exact moment things started to change for me, but they did. I engaged well in group therapy, did the work with my therapist during individual time and I tried and tried again. I gave it one last try to change my life, and it worked.
Through learning how to master mindfulness, incorporate enjoyable activities into my routine, and being aware of my negative thought patterns I have finally realized how recovery feels. Since leaving Rogers in 2019, I am working toward my bachelor’s degree in psychology. I am active within my family functions and have healthy relationships with friends. I cannot explain in words how grateful I am to Rogers and everything I learned during each time spent there. With the help of my therapist at the Appleton location, I am able to not only survive, but live gratefully and hopefully.”