Imagine leaving your job and family, picking up everything to move hundreds of miles away to enter treatment for your mental illness or addiction. You’ve…
Rogers Behavioral Health in Oconomowoc and West Allis have been growing some of their own produce to help children and teen patients connect plant growth…
For some, having a mental illness can feel like you’re caged by a monster, leaving you unable to participate in the daily activities that you…
When most people think of seeing a psychiatrist or psychologist, they picture talking face-to-face with someone. That is getting harder with a national shortage of…
Experiential therapy is a hands-on experience-based approach that assists in healing and overcoming mental or emotional challenges. At Rogers, there’s a variety of experiential therapy…
The construction of a new horticultural therapy garden in the courtyard of the Child and Adolescent Centers is quickly making progress! The new addition will…
Communication and collaboration are keys to keeping kids on track in schools. Supporting the academic, social and emotional learning of students is a priority for…
At Rogers, we look to science to inform our treatment approach. Within the past few years, numerous research studies have shown that Dialectical Behavior Therapy…
One of the benefits of residential treatment for eating disorders is the structure and support that is built in to every activity, including meal and…
Pictionary, food models and meal outings are just some of the eating disorder treatment tools the 16 dietitians at Rogers use to help each patient…