The teenage years are an exciting and challenging time of change which can produce a lot of stress and uncertainty. In fact, girls are twice…
The recent release of 13 Reasons Why season 2 is prompting an essential dialogue in our communities. Learn how parents can use the show to…
Transcranial magnetic stimulation may be effective where traditional treatment routes have failed to offer relief from depression. Learn more about how it works, how one…
When a causal relationship with alcohol collided with the complications of postpartum depression, Kate fell into a downward spiral. Hear how the right mix of…
Depression can cause us to isolate and avoid activities that were once enjoyable. Behavioral activation helps people engage in life and undo the damage that…
Sticking to healthy limits and changing the approach to accommodation can be critical when it comes to raising a resilient child.
Suicide is the second leading cause of death for adolescents ages 10 to 19, but open discussion and increased awareness of prevention options can help…
Suicide rates in the U.S. are on the rise, especially for adults ages 45 to 64, but expanding awareness and effective care can help to…
Imagine a 16-year-old girl sitting in her room, overwhelmed by her own emotions. She was once outgoing and involved in high school sports and clubs,…
One of the primary changes in DSM-5 is that it now recognizes age-related aspects in each disorder and chronologically lists diagnoses that are most applicable…