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Balancing bipolar: Emily’s story

Major life changes can often be met with varying emotions. For Emily, it was bringing home her new puppy Oscar. But soon Emily found herself in a tailspin of overwhelming highs and lows. “Things were just off the tracks for me, I wasn’t sleeping, I was working all the time. I just could not stop; I was going a mile a minute.,” Emily says.

Her concerned loved ones worked together to find her help at Rogers where she was diagnosed with bipolar disorder.

Affecting approximately 4% of U.S. adults at some point in their lives, bipolar disorder is defined as a person experiencing severe shifts in mood–from mania to depression–as well as changes in thoughts and actions. Manic episodes are commonly described as periods of excessive joy or enthusiasm, while depressive periods may cause extreme low energy or hopelessness.   

At Rogers, Emily worked toward her recovery through a variety of therapies, including cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)behavioral activation and mindfulnessdialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), and medication management.

Today Emily is a strong advocate for others living with bipolar disorder and other mental health disorders. You can visit her blog at Bipolar Brought Balance

“I don’t think I ever thought I was going to get this close to my normal old self again,” says Emily. “But I really do feel that way.” 

Learn more about bipolar disorder here. If you think you or a loved one is struggling with bipolar disorder and need help, please call us at 800-767-4411, for a free, confidential screening, or request one online.