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Art Therapy Helps Patients Express Themselves

new study(link is external) found a correlation between chaos in the home and the pictures children draw of their families. As part of Rogers programming, art therapy is used to help patients express themselves. Betsy, an Art Therapist at Rogers’ Brown Deer campus wrote about how art is used within treatment.

Art is an excellent tool to assist those who may have trouble verbalizing their thoughts and feelings. Think of a time you couldn’t find the right word to describe something but were able to see the thing you were trying to describe in your mind’s eye. The brain remembers in images rather than words but the majority of therapies are mostly talk-based. At Rogers Memorial Hospital, Art Therapists in Experiential Therapy use creative expression to lead patients toward emotional insight, positive hobbies, and increased confidence. The Art Therapists incorporate their practice through a variety of media in a range of patient groups at all hospital locations and in many treatment programs.













