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5 tips for good mental health this holiday season

While many people look forward to the holiday season, more than a third of American adults say the holidays stress them out.

Here are a few tips to help curb holiday stress:

  1. Get enough sleep. When stress interacts with a lack of sleep, it has a profound impact. If you’re not getting enough sleep, try to take 10 to 20 minutes during the day to meditate or relax by listening to music or reading a book. If you haven’t slept well for a night or two, try catching up with an extra hour the next night.
  2. Don’t take on too much. This time of year, it’s easy to get swept up into raising your hand one too many times to organize parties or other festive activities. While volunteering your time can make you feel good, be careful to not overdo it, as a heavy workload in the holiday season can cause undue stress.
  3. Eat and drink in moderation. Be realistic with yourself. Know that you’re going to have a couple of big meals over the next several weeks, and that’s okay; you shouldn’t feel guilty. Give yourself permission to enjoy yourself as long as you don’t overindulge night after night. 
  4. Stay connected with loved ones. Catching up with close friends who you truly enjoy being around can give your mood the boost it needs to feel refreshed.
  5. Perform an act of kindness. Giving your time to help someone else can lift your spirits. You’re not only doing good for other people, but for your mental health as well.

Mental health resources are available

If you’re concerned about yourself or a loved one’s mental health, we’ve compiled a list of mental health resources that can offer support. If you’d like information on seeking treatment at Rogers, please call us at 800-767-4411. You can also request a free, confidential screening by filling out a form online